Over ons
D4Y Christmas box
Nightwalk Safety Collar
Fish Delish of maxi sprotjes
Fish Crunchies
Salmon Waffles
Dog Comets Glow in the Dark Moon - ø 10cm
Dog Comets Asteroid 31cm
Gedroogde vleesblokjes - 300gram
Retorn RUB Bouncy
Bullepees ca. 15 of 20cm
Kameel kophuid (15 of 40cm)
Runderluchtpijp ca. 20-25cm
Kauwstaafje met schapenvet
Topmast Hondenstretcher (medium of maxi)
Gevuld beloningstasje Twin Treat of Twin Treat Plus
Gevogelte trainers - Paws-a-wyle
Vis trainers - Paws-a-wyle
Assortiment Vleesworsten
100% vleesworst Lam 400gram
100% vleesworst Rund 400gram
100% vleesworst Hert 400gram
100% vleesworst Kalkoen 400gram
Anti-stress bal ø 30cm
Beloningstasje Twin Treat
Beloningstasje Twin Treat Plus
Fusion sleep/trainingslijn 5 of 10 meter
Dog Comets bal
Dog Comets werpstok groot - 30 cm
Dog Comets werpstok klein - 14cm
Dog Comets stardust - ø 6cm - DUO
Dog Comets stardust - ø 6cm - SINGLE
Dog Comets stuiterbal
Dog Comets traktatiebal
Dog Comets ovale hard speelbal
Kong Safestix
Retorn RUB Ball Large
Retorn RUB loop Treat
Retorn RUB Flipper
Retorn RUB Ball Medium (2stuks)
Retorn RUB heavy duty
Retorn RUB American Football
Retorn RUB Jumpty Dumpty
Vleesstaaf (Kip of Lam)